
People get stuck. Artists get stuck. Writers get stuck all the time. A writer’s block is an underrated sickness of all writers. These are the moments when we end up with no words to write. We stutter and wonder where we will get the inspiration we need. And in moments like these, it’s good to have a go-to list of topics as a quick guide when we feel like there’s nothing to say.

I’ve compiled such a list. Here are five blog post ideas for times that you’re just not feeling it:

Confess a dark secret. Come on! We all have a dark side or should I say that we all hide something that we hope no one in this world will find out. It maybe an embarassing fact but it would definitely be an interesting topic to write about.

Pick a fight. Be honest! We all have cliffs that we are willing to jump off and die in. They may be political or religious affiliations or a topic saying why your country is the best place in the universe. Whatever your causes are, have the courage to take your stand, make your argument and let the world know. Sure, this is one way to make a few enemies and critics, but it’s also a way to earn new friends.

Call someone out. Whose a fan of publicly shaming someone? Well, I am not but it’s hard to deny how much attention these posts can get you. Still, I think there is a tactful way to disagree with someone, especially a celebrity or a political figure who might not otherwise respond to you. Open letters are pretty popular these days.

Teach something. Maybe it’s how to replace the oil filter in your car or how to write a book, but we all have skills we want to learn. We also have skills we can teach. Take something that you’re a natural at and generously share your knowledge with the world. Writing about something that can contribute to someone’s life is the best thing that you can ever do. So, never teach a thing that you haven’t at least tried or studied about before. Be careful.

Ask a question. The world doesn’t need you to have all the answers; it just needs you to speak up, to lead the conversation. We all have questions to ask and maybe, one of your future articles would be the same as others. This is a pretty good start for having a constant audience.


People don’t remember vanilla content. They don’t tweet links about mediocre articles and don’t tell their friends about someone who is average. They are searching for something fun and new. Go to the extreme and open new doors for something interesting. Yes, it’s hard in the beginning but you’ll be working on that. The sooner you get used to it, the better you will be.

We have to ask “why?’. Why do we write? Why do we blog? It definitely helps to know the reasons why we blog. For me, these are my reasons:

Connect with people. This is an opportunity to connect with people like you. Blogging brings like-minded people together.

Express your thoughts. To express your thoughts and opininion means that you have something to say; you have something to share. Writing provides an avenue for you to be heard.

Help people. Many blogs are written to help people who may be going through similar situations that the blogger has experienced. Many parenting and health-related blogs are written for this purpose.

Remember, the readers want something remarkable and worth talking about.